Next Bird Walk will be Saturday, March 8th, 2025

Destinations: Browns Point Lighthouse Park and Dumas Bay

Meet at the store at 8:15AM and the group will depart at 8:20AM

We return around Noon.

Please call 206-241-3201 and reserve a spot.

Seven birders encountered receding dark clouds, cold temps and bright sunshine at Redondo Beach boardwalk on February 9th. The parking lot offered scope views of a perched Yellow-rumped Warbler. From the boardwalk, saltwater birds of many species were seen with vibrant colors in the sun. The group walked clear to the end and back to spot, identify, study and photograph Harlequin Ducks, Common Loons and more. 

Not enough time was left to visit our second stop, M street. One carload did drive down to see where it was and what it's like. The flooded fields were full of ducks and shorebirds, which is often the case in winter. There was no time to linger and scope them as it was decided to head back to the store at noon as scheduled. 37 species were seen!


Canada Goose


Northern Pintail

Green-winged Teal

Harlequin Duck

Surf Scoter


Common Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Red-breasted Merganser

Horned Grebe

Red-necked Grebe

Western Grebe

Rock Pigeon



Least Sandpiper

Pigeon Guillemot

Short-billed Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull

Red-throated Loon

Common Loon

Brandt's Cormorant

Double-crested Cormorant

Red-tailed Hawk

Belted Kingfisher

American Kestrel

Steller's Jay

American Crow

European Starling

American Robin

House Sparrow

House Finch

Song Sparrow

Spotted Towhee

Yellow-rumped Warbler